It's coming into that time of year where you should seriously start looking at your wardrobe and considering what's important and what isn't. That grey Man Utd. jersey is never going to be vintage. Bin it or sell it. Those runners that you bought with your grant money in the second year of college - you got your wear out of them, but now they're falling apart. Bin them. Those torn jeans with the knees exposed? You're never going to wear them again unless it's a part of Kurt Cobain costume. And Hallowe'en is now over. Bin them. This is all cathartic and when you finally realise that you've only got a Feile '95 T-shirt and a pair of jeans left over, you'll know that you can totally revamp your wardrobe. 

"But... shoulder-pad jackets for men might be cool again.. YOU DON'T KNOW."

Here you'll find ten awesome items you can pick up right now to totally sort you for clothes for winter. They're all available in Arnotts right now. Look and be amazed.

Replay Check 1 Pocket Shirt - €100.00

This is a fantastic buy because it's got a nice, muted colour and it'll work either on its own or as a collar with a shirt. It's not overly ostentatious, but at the same time, it's not boring. A good, solid shirt that you can work any outfit around. Ron Swanson would be proud to wear this shirt.

G-Star Western Denim Polka Dot - €120.00

If you're looking for something a bit more muted, this denim-shirt is also very, very cool. The polka dot design is only visible up close so if polka dots aren't your thing, no need to worry. A lot of G-Star's shirts have that fitted look to them. It's always better to get a shirt that doesn't look five sizes too big. If it's neat and fitted, so much the better. This shirt has that.

Ted Baker Chazen Shirt - €70.00

Jeremy Clarkson and James May aren't the only people who wear these, y'know. True, those two might have taken that pattern look and ran with it for the rest of their lives, but if you button the top collar and wear a Corduroy blazer with it - see below for the exact one - it can look very cool. Again, if that's not your bag, it can work with a jumper or cardigan to offset the pattern. It's a well-fitted, well-designed shirt and Ted Baker always make their clothes to last.

Penguin Grey Zip-Through Sweater - €125.00

Layering is becoming a big thing lately so these kind of knitwear sweaters are going to be very popular. Wear this under a good jacket and you'll be able to withstand any kind of weather. Well, no. We're not talking Alpine blizzards and what have you. But it's warm. OK? It's warm. And it looks good, too.

Fisherman Out of Ireland Crew Neck - €130.00

That deep maroon, for some reason, is really popular lately. We've no idea why, but it actually looks kinda cool. These jumpers are INSANELY comfortable. They're a great party trick, too. "Feel how soft this jumper is! FEEL IT!" And then you'll have people pawing you constantly throughout the night. If that's your thing, this is your jumper. 

Barbour Martin Cardigan - €159.00

We've had issues with thin-material cardigans in the past. Mainly, they do nothing. They don't keep your warm. They get caught up in everything and if you decide to Hulk out - that's when you flex your man-muscles, brah - they'll tear apart. This cardigan can withstand any measure of Hulking out. It's made with good, thick material and it will actually keep you nice and toasty. Plus, that design on the front is very cool. You can wear this with your favourite T-shirt or a collared shirt, either or will look good. Ryan Gosling wears something similar to this on a regular basis. You want to look like him, don't you? You don't? You think he's got that long horse face thing? Well, you're weird and I don't want to hang out with you anymore.

Strellson Burgandy Fine Cord Blazer - €249.00

Blazers are great because they can work in any situation. Gig night? Throw this on over a t-shirt and you're good to go. Date night? Iron that shirt and put this on. Again, that maroon / burgandy look is a big colour lately and this jacket is very much on the nose.

Wrangler Denim Fur Trimmed Fleece Parka Jacket - €300.00

Have we ever said how much we love Parka Jackets? We freakin' love them. They're the most comfortable, most snug jackets a brother can wear. Plus they look incredibly cool and they've never really gone out of fashion. Hell, Kurt Russell wears one in The Thing and that was all the way back in the 1980's. Are you saying you're cooler than Kurt Russell by not wearing one? IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE SAYING?

Diesel Krooley Tapered Jeans -  €190.00

Get this through your head and learn it well, pal. BOOTCUT JEANS ARE AWFUL. The 70's called, they want their jeans back. Want more? Oh, bootcut jeans. Not only do they drag crap along with them, they drag your dignity with them too. Bootcut jeans are the worst. Now. Here's another one. TAPERED JEANS ARE NOT SKINNY JEANS. If you've got the legs for skinny jeans, nice work rocking that look, man. It's a tough one for us who enjoy food and stuff. Tapered jeans mean that they close in on your feet and fit comfortably around your shoe. Your manhood is not on display. You're not going to be mistaken for a member of some obscure band you saw on Pitchfork. They're fine. You can wear them. It's OK. It doesn't make you a H-word

Grenson Shoes

Owning a good pair of shoes is like having a good wallet. You may only get the benefit out of it, but when people notice, you'll feel terrific. A good pair of solid, leather shoes like these are perfect. You can wear them with anything. A pair of dark jeans or chinos, a formal pair of slacks - whatever. They're good for all occasions. 

And that's it! Remember, the trick is to start from nothing - clean out the wardrobe and start over. Imagine you've washed up on a shore and you've got a date with Scarlett Johansson or somebody you're totally into and you've got to get dressed for it. That's the tack you want to be taking. And when it all comes together, you'll be looking to fresh to death with this new swag on your back. All items available now at Arnotts.

"Nice look. Good job."