Head squishing, breast milk drinking, Karl Urban climbing out of fish guts - it's got it all!

In case you were in any doubt if the second season of 'The Boys' was going to ease off, the answer is absolutely not.

In fact, if this two-minute trailer is anything to go by, it's actually gotten worse somehow.

Whereas the first season was weird enough in having laser-eye babies used as weapons, the second season features the likes of Homelander pushing a child off a house, squishing someone's head with one hand, breast milk drinking, and the potential for dropping the c-word into every line of dialogue from Karl Urban.

The second season picks up directly from the first, with Vought Industries - the faceless mega-corporation managing all the superheroes - cashing in on the panic surrounding the 'Supervillain Threat', while a new hero - Stormfront - begins to unsettle and disturbed an already unsettled and disturbed Homelander.

'The Boys' returns to Prime Video on September 4th. Here's the trailer.