There's only two episodes of the season left

*If you aren't yet up to speed on episode seven of 'WandaVision', then look away now. You have been warned.*

Every week with Disney+'s 'WandaVision', we're left satisfied with some questions finally being answered - while even more get added in their place. But that's what makes us excited for each new episode. In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel recently, Teyonah Parris, who plays Monica Rambeau in the series, breaks down what we can expect from her character in the final two episodes.

Well, she teases us of course, not really revealing all that much. But we're going to take any 'WandaVision' tidbits we can get.

In last week's episode, Monica was able to break through Wanda's Westview "Hex" yet again. This ultimately changed her DNA, turning her into some form of superhero.

Monica, in the comics, is the daughter of Maria Rambeau, the founder of SWORD. Monica has been known under a lot of different names in the comics such as Photon, Pulsar, Spectrum, Daystar, before eventually becoming a different iteration of Captain Marvel too.

She eventually gets recruited to the Avengers, after seeking them out for help so that she can better control her powers. These powers include the ability to absorb energy, utilising it to make herself fly or as an offensive attack. But - what version of the character will we see in the Disney+ series?

The 'WandaVision' version of the character begins to show signs of superpowers following her entry back into Westview, with Monica's eyes glowing blue and her being able to withstand Wanda's attack. The final moments of episode seven see her encounter Evan Peters' character, after discovering Agatha's purple-coloured energy basement.

Teyonah Parris is giving us just enough of a tease of what's to come for her character next. She tells the chat show host: "Monica can absorb energy. In the comics, that is what her superpower is. It is yet to be revealed just exactly what it is in the MCU.

"We get a taste of the fact that there is something that is changed, and we have to stay tuned to find out exactly how that will manifest itself. But in the comics, she can absorb all energy on the electromagnetic spectrum."

A diplomatic answer, and one which leaves us needing to know so much more. We're just going to have to wait until this Friday to see what's in store for her.

Here's the full interview, where Parris also chats about fans wanting her to play the character of Monica long before her appearance in Disney's MCU.