The latest season transported down to Netflix this Friday, and will go week to week.

While the third season has just begun on Netflix, the fourth season of 'Star Trek: Discovery' has now been confirmed, and what's more, it'll begin filming next month.

The announcement came last night in a video posted to the official Twitter account - which, for some unknown and very annoying reason, has geo-locked all its video content. The third season premiere, 'That Hope Is You', sees Commander Burnham - played by Sonnequa Martin-Green - flung 930 years into the future.

At the end of the last season, the USS Discovery and Burnham made the decision to open a wormhole to the far future in order to ensure nobody - not even Starfleet or the Federation - got their hands on the time-travelling suit that made up much of the second season's story. The final episode saw the USS Enterprise, with Captain Pike - played by Anson Mount - back at the conn, while the USS Discovery left their timeline for good.

The opening episode sees Commander Burnham arrive in the future and landing on a strange planet, unable to reach her crew - or anyone else from the Federation, for that matter.