Best music video AND cover of 2021? A little bit

"I'm expensive sushi, I'm a cute huge yacht" never sounded so... calming? It's the 'A Little Bit Alexis' cover we've all been waiting for.

If you've been a fan of 'Schitt's Creek' you will of course know of Alexis Rose's minor music career as a reality star. And now, her track 'A Little Bit Alexis', a banger in its own right, has been given a fresh 2021 take.

Posted a number of weeks ago, thankfully it eventually made its way to us here at, and we ate it up.

The song arrangement and the music video was created by Evan Mills, and we have to say we are digging this stripped-back version. From the laced blouse, to the awkward looks to the camera, the eyebrow raises, the glittery dress, the silhouettes, and that's even before we mention how great the original lyrics written by Annie Murphy sound... It is utter 'Schitt's Creek' heaven.

It sounds so much like a genuine folk-pop song, that Evan even released it on Spotify. We hope that Murphy, Dan Levy and the 'Schitt's Creek' gang get to see this in its entirety. We're 100% sure they will appreciate the effort that went into making this.

Here's Evan's version of 'A Little Bit Alexis' in all of its glory - feel free to sing along if you know the words!

We love 'Shitt's Creek' here, and last year we discovered Michael J Berry, who does the most perfect Moira Rose impression. If you've been following him on social media, you'll see that he's branched out into doing impersonations of all of the Rose family, and makes for an enjoyable watch if you're needing your daily dose of the Rose family.