Because you’re going to need to fill a gap after that ending

Are you still reeling from that final episode of ‘Behind Her Eyes’? 

Oh boy. No one (NO ONE!) could have predicted that shocking ending to ‘Behind Her Eyes’. That extra layer of supernatural was left until the very end, which has gone on to divide viewers’ opinions on the series. Some loved it, while others loathed it. One aspect which everyone is agreed upon however, is that we all feel miserable for Adam. Poor, poor Adam. 

If you’re still needing to compose yourself, then check out these other series on Netflix which will get that adrenaline pumping once again. 

‘White House Farm’

A new entry on Netflix, this series is based on a true story (so no body-hopping here!). An ITV miniseries which is set in the ‘80s, ‘White House Farm’ follows two detectives who attempt to solve the case of a horribly brutal murder which took place on a local, rural farm. Starring Mark Addy, Gemma Whelan, and Freddie Fox, this is a satisfying whodunnit drama for those wanting a bit more thrill in their TV viewing. 


If the supernatural element of ‘Behind Her Eyes’ was your favourite part of the series, then ‘Dark’ will fill that void nicely. The German series, which wrapped up after three seasons, involves the unravelling of children disappearing off the face of the earth. Living up to its name, the series is quite dark and mysterious, with elements of sci-fi and time travel. Heavy in parts, it’s a worthwhile watch if you’ve kept it on your “must watch” list. 

‘The Sinner’

Something a little bit different is this anthology series which viewers are bound to have heard of. ‘The Sinner’ follows Bill Pullman’s Detective Harry Ambrose, who solves creepy-as-hell crimes in each season, beginning with the brutal murder of a man in season one. Jessica Biel stars in the first series, with Carrie Coon in season two and Matt Bomer in season three.


Luxembourg’s very first Netflix-created series ‘Capitani’ centres on the mysterious disappearance of a young teenager. Inspector Luc Capitani is tasked with solving the case, which takes place in a town whereby all of the residents are acting very suspiciously. Does everyone know more than they’re letting on? There’s also a second season of this gripping titles in the works, with production due to begin this year. 

‘Top of the Lake’

The fantastic Elisabeth Moss stars in 'Top of the Lake' which originally aired on the BBC. Moss plays the role of Detective Robin Griffin, who specialises in cases related to sexual assault. Based down under in New Zealand, and then in Australia for season two, the series can be a harrowing watch at times.

‘Good Girls’

Admittedly a lot more lighter in tone than all of the other titles - but yet extremely gripping all the same. ‘Good Girls’ stars Christina Hendricks, Retta, Mae Whitman as three mothers who are each struggling financially in their own way. And so, the three of them hatch and execute a plan of robbing a supermarket, which leads to a dramatic yet hilarious chain of events unfolding. The series is mostly light in tone, but when things begin to spiral out of control, it takes a dark and thought-provoking turn.