Netflix's 'The Witcher' casts a great actor

Netflix's 'The Witcher' is heading back to the streaming platform for a second season. And the fantasy series has us excited about a new casting when it returns.

'The Witcher', upon its release last year, seemed to divide viewers. It had all of the components to be the next 'Game of Thrones', but fell somewhat short with audiences. While some liked it, others found it quite the trawl to watch all eight episodes of the new fantasy series.

However according to Redanian Intelligence, a dedicated website for all things 'The Witcher', things are looking good for season two, as they have confirmed that 'Game of Thrones' actor Kristofer Hivju will be joining the cast.

'Game of Thrones' actor Kristofer Hivju is joining season two of Netflix's 'The Witcher'

The Norwegian actor, best known for playing scene-stealing wildling Thormund Giantsbane in the HBO series, is said to be playing a highly anticipated character in the second season of the Netflix show.

Based on Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski's fantasy novels, the first season of 'The Witcher' left die-hard fans of the novels and video games expecting more. Naturally, Netflix didn't want to put all of their eggs in one basket, and it's likely lots of great things will be coming over the next season.

Hivju will be playing a character called Nigel, who is believed to be the character Nivellen from the author's short story entitled 'A Grain of Truth'. The story sees Henry Cavill's Geralt of Rivia discover a mansion, where he meets a being who is more monster than man - think 'Beauty and the Beast', but much less Disney. And there's definitely not as many musical numbers.

Production on the second season is believed to already be underway, so we'll likely get an update on the follow-up to Netflix's 'The Witcher' over the coming months.

There's also a rumour going around of Mark Hamill nabbing a place on the show... but it's just a rumour. For now.

'The Witcher' season one is available to stream on Netflix.