That's a lot of tie-dye t-shirts and flower crowns.

Ah, Cameo - the weird, weird world where celebrities will wish your nearest and dearest a happy whatever in exchange for cold, hard cash.

If you've never been on it, it's worth a laugh for the simple reason that the names and faces you'll see on it are truly surprising. One such recent entry that's caught people's attention is none other than Carole Baskin, one of the stars of Netflix's pandemic documentary hit, 'Tiger King'.

Baskin is charging €183.08 / $200 for a video on the service, and has racked up close to 600 requests in less than a week according to TMZ. For those of you keeping score at home, that's €109,800 in less than a week. Cameo also takes their own share, but still, that's a lot of money.

There are rules, however. Baskin will not make any video that she deems to be "mean-spirited", and she of course will not talk about her missing husband, or anything involved in that case either. Jack 'Don' Lewis went missing in 1997, and is still an active cold case, according to the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office.

If you want to book Carole, here's her Cameo page.