Happy Father's Day to all who celebrate

If you plan on marking Father's Day by watching a movie with the old man or just like your movie-watching to be themed according to the time of year (yes, people do that) then this list will see you right.

About Time
Netflix, Prime Video

Any excuse to watch this darling of a Richard Curtis movie. Yes, it's a love story but it's also got a gorgeous father-son relationship as its bedrock between Domhnall Gleeson and Bill Nighy. Perfect Father's Day viewing.


A grieving man is faced with the reality of life as a single dad when his wife dies suddenly after giving birth. Yes, this one sounds almost too sad to bear but it's Kevin Hart in the lead so plenty of comic relief.

Big Daddy
Netflix, Prime Video

Adam Sandler at peak Adam Sandler in this classic '90s comedy about a man who adopts a 5-year-old boy in a bid to win back his ex-girlfriend. A questionable premise but hey, it was the '90s, and it was Adam Sandler so go with it.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Disney Plus, Prime Video, NOW

Harrison Ford and Sean Connery are the ultimate father-son duo as they attempt to save the Holy Grail from the nazis. There's never a dull moment in this action-packed flick with Ford and Connery at some of their best.

Father of the Bride
Disney+, NOW

A classic if ever there was one. Steve Martin is sensational as the basket case dad trying to find his way to letting go of his beloved daughter ahead of her wedding. 

Definitely, Maybe
Prime Video

Long before his 'Deadpool' days, Ryan Reynolds showed up in many a rom-com. This one is by far his best as he takes his daughter through the stories of his three great loves in a 'How I Met Your Mother' style plot.

Con Air
Disney+, Prime Video

PUT THE BUNNY BACK IN THE BOX. Need we say more?