He really f*cked it up this time.

To quote one of their own songs, it was his fault, not ours.

Winston Marshall has temporarily left Mumford & Sons after the lead banjoist (honestly, what the fuck) posted a tweet supporting far-right journalist Andy Ngo and his new book of bullshit, 'Unmasked', calling it "important" and declaring Ngo to be "a brave man".

In a tweet, Marshall announced that he was leaving the band on temporary basis. "Over the past few days I have come to better understand the pain caused by the book I endorsed. I have offended not only a lot of people I don’t know, but also those closest to me, including my bandmates and for that I am truly sorry."

"For now, please know that I realise how my endorsements have the potential to be viewed as approvals of hateful, divisive behaviour. I apologise, as this was not at all my intention."

This isn't the first time Mumford & Sons have been in the spotlight for supporting oddballs on the internet. As recently as 2018, Jordan Peterson visited their studio at their request.

Mumford & Sons briefly trended on Twitter over the weekend following Marshall's tweet, which he has since deleted. Many people, of course, were pointing out that Mumford & Sons are shit, that they're basically rich kids playing folk music, and had maybe one song that got some radio play.

Either way, another case closed on a mid '00s band going loo-lah in their waning years.