Thank god we never have to see that stupid dance ever again

The past four years (and longer, if you take his first campaign into account) have seen tens of artists protesting against Donald Trump's use of their music.

They include Neil Young, The Rolling Stones, Prince, Adele and Queen, all of whom the former president royally irritated by using their songs in rallies and campaign videos without permission.

The Village People's music has also featured prominently in Trump's most recent campaign - who can forget his cringeworthy dances to 'Y.M.C.A.' from earlier this year?

He also used both 'Y.M.C.A.' and 'Macho Man' as a sign-off after his final speech/farewell rally yesterday - but now Village People frontman Victor Wills has spoken of his relief that his reign of terror is finally over.

Wills, who had previously slammed Trump's inflammatory response to various Black Lives Matters protests earlier in the year, said: "We asked him to cease and desist long ago. However, since he’s a bully, our request was ignored.

“Thankfully he’s now out of office, so it would seem his abusive use of our music has finally ended."

Wills added that the band were planning to take legal action to prevent the same thing happening again - for all artists. "We hope to spearhead a change in copyright law that will give artists and publishers more control over who can and cannot use our music in the public space," he said. "Currently there is no limit to blanket licensing.”