The photo was taken about a month before U2 formed in 1976

As you may know, yesterday marked a milestone birthday for Ireland's most famous musician.

Bono turned 60 and social media was flooded with messages of congratulations for the U2 frontman. To mark the occasion, he even shared a playlist of the '60 Songs That Saved My Life' on U2's official site.

However, one picture in particular shared on Twitter caught many people's eye.

Athlete Eamonn Coghlan shared an old photo of himself in Dublin department store Arnott's after the 1976 Olympics. A group of kids were queuing for his autograph, he explained, and one of them was a certain Paul Hewson - who would have been 16 at the time.

Bono has his nephew perched on his shoulders for the photo but looks fairly nonplussed - and a lot of people were tickled by the image.

Not long after the photo was taken (around August) the band that would become U2 formed after Larry Mullen posted an ad on their school noticeboard.

And the rest, as they say, is history...