The likeness is uncanny

The internet has found a doppelganger for Rihanna.

Or, more specifically, Rihanna has found her own doppelganger thanks to the internet.

The 'Umbrella' singer was so shook upon finding her lookalike that she not only had to share a picture of the girl on her Instagram. She almost dropped her phone looking at the resemblance.

'Almost drop my phone. How?' she captioned the image of six-year-old Ala'a Baytops.

The picture has amassed almost 7 million likes since being shared.

Many thought Rihanna had used a face app to create the likeness but no. Aspiring young model and actress Ala'a is all her own, and if her poses are anything to go by, she is just as firey and fabulous as the singer she looks like.