There have been some glaring omissions, according to social media

There's nothing that gets peoples' blood boiling more than ranked lists. Especially music-related lists. Not war, not famine, not Donald Trump. Lists.

The latest music list to cause a kerfuffle has been a '100 Greatest Singers of All Time' feature by popular music website Consequence of Sound.

As you'll see below, Michael Jackson comes in at #1, ahead of jazz legend Billie Holiday, Freddie Mercury,Ā  soul queen Aretha Franklin and godfather of soul, James Brown.

Other names in the Top 20 include Roy Orbison, Frank Sinatra, Marvin Gaye, Mariah Carey and Bjork.

Needless to say, there has been a lot of huffing and stamping as people complain about their favourites being omitted.

See some of them below...