Reworking classic disco hits into socially distant anthems.

Seeing as how we're all indoors for the next while, people are taking in as much content as they can to relieve the boredom.

John Krasinski from 'The Office' is hosting a virtual prom, TV channels are replaying old movies, live concerts via Zoom and Skype are the norm, and Sophie Ellis-Bextor is doing a weekly Kitchen Disco with her five kids on Instagram.

No, really.

The 'Murder On The Dancefloor' singer has been going live on Instagram pretty regularly since all this kicked off, playing a 25-minute set of her songs and even reworking them into socially distant themes. 'Take Me Home' is now 'Stay At Home', and to be honest, it hits just as good as the original.

For one, having that amount of kids in the house and managing to keep it as tidy as it looks is an achievement. Not only that, managing to keep the whole show moving with them all around her and NOT stepping on them as she dances is another achievement.

Who has a disco ball hanging up in their kitchen, as well? If it was going to be anyone, it was going to be Sophie Ellis-Bextor in fairness.