The original so bad it's good Youtube viral video

Gotta get down on Friday...

Yes, we all remember the lyrics of Rebecca Black's debut single 'Friday', touted widely as so bad it's good.

But can you ACTUALLY believe it has just turned NINE years old?

Well one person who wasn't going to forget the anniversary of the Youtube sensation was Black herself.

Many will recall how the video for the single became an overnight success. However it was also widely panned for its simplistic lyrics and cringeworthy special effects. Worst still was the abuse the then 13 year old singer got for her vocals on the track.


Still, Rebecca has pursued a singing career since. Her Youtube and social media channels have a major following, and the singer has spoken extensively about cyberbullying in the intervening years.

To mark 'Friday' celebrating its ninth anniversary, she took to Twitter to post: "9 years ago today a music video for a song called ‘Friday’ was uploaded to the internet. above all things, I just wish I could go back and talk to my 13-year-old self who was terribly ashamed of herself and afraid of the world."

She continued: "To my 15-year-old self who felt like she had nobody to talk to about the depression she face. To my 17-year-old self who would get to school only to get food thrown at her and her friends. To my 19-year-old self who had almost every producer/songwriter tell me they’d never work with me. Hell, to myself a few days ago who felt disgusting when she looked in the mirror!

"I’m trying to remind myself more and more that every day is a new opportunity to shift your reality and lift your spirit. You are not defined by any one choice or thing time heals and nothing is finite. It’s a process that’s never too late to begin. and so, here we go! this might be a weird thing to post but the honesty feels good if nothing else."


In the time since her post, she's gotten a hugely positive response