He is best known as the frontman of New Jersey band The Gaslight Anthem, but Brian Fallon's currently on tour with his debut solo album 'Painkillers', released earlier this year.

He'll play the Olympia Theatre on Wednesday, November 23rd - so we grabbed him for a quick chat ahead of his show with backing band The Crowes.

What’s the music that you listened to growing up, that you still listen to today?
I still listen to a lot of the same music I listened too as a kid.  I still listen to The Clash all the time.

When did you first realise that you wanted a career in music?

I must've been about 7 or 8 when I realized I wanted to perform in some way. 

In three words, describe the minute before you walk on stage.
Nervous. Nervous. Nervous.  I don't really wind down too much. 

How do you wind down after a gig?
I kind of just walk off stage and go on with the night.

What’s the one song you wish you’d written or recorded first?
I sure wish I'd written "One" by U2. 

What song of yours are you most proud of?
Too hard to pick a favorite, but I'm really proud of the 59 Sound album.

What’s your favourite venue to perform in?
The Olympia is one of my favorite venues in the world. Couldn't say if one was 'all time' though.

Your best and worst gig so far?
Big definitives here, impossible to say.

Whose career do you envy, and why?
I don't envy anybody else's career because I feel they've earned where they're at and worked hard. I wouldn't mind Jack White's gig, though. He does it all!

Vinyl or digital downloads?
Has anyone ever said digital downloads? Vinyl.

Give your thoughts on Spotify in three words.
Make me playlists.

You can only have three albums on your phone/in your house at any one time - what three would you pick for today?
That's not even possible, even if you got t the smallest iPhone it holds many more than three albums.  I cannot be confined to three.

Name one piece of music memorabilia that you wish you owned.
I'll have Noel Gallagher's jean jacket.

Name one record, one book and one film that everyone should hear / read / see.
Everyone should see A Nightmare Before Christmas, hear London Calling, and read Great Expectations.

You’ve been given €100,000 to spend, but only 1 hour to spend it. What do you buy?

If I had 100,000 euros and an hour to spend it, I'd throw it right out the window and let the people passing by enjoy a day off of work.

Describe your perfect day off.

My perfect day off is at home. 

Finally, what can we expect of your Dublin gig?
You can expect one excited American to be playing in Dublin again!


Brian Fallon & the Crowes play the Olympia Theatre on November 23rd. Tickets are on sale from usual outlets now.