In the minds of many (*raises hand*), Alex Turner is still the baggy-jeaned, spotty-faced teenager who exploded onto the scene in 2006 with a rapier-sharp wit and an album of brilliant songs in tow.

The reality, of course, is that the 31-year-old Arctic Monkeys frontman has become the quintessential 'rock god' in recent years, particularly since moving to the USA.

He's gone through some interesting haircuts over the years, but his latest image overhaul, spotted most recently at a Lana Del Rey album playback the other day, is certainly something different.

With Arctic Monkeys long overdue an album - they're allegedly working on the follow-up to 2013's 'AM' in Los Angeles at the moment - perhaps Turner is superstitious and refusing to shave until it's done.

Either way, he's kind of unrecognisable....

His new look isn't exactly going down well with fans, either: