This July marks the group's inception

It's been 10 years since we were first introduced to the world's biggest boy band.

Appearing as butter-wouldn't-melt and baby-faced singers all those years ago on 'The X-Factor', it's hard to believe that the lads have only been around for such a short amount of time.

First landing on our TV screens on the singing competition way back in 2010, the five wannabes were thrown together in the hopes of creating a new supergroup that could take on the world with their charm, style, and singing voices. Managing to do this, and then some, 1D became a worldwide phenomenon the likes of which hasn't been seen since The Beatles.

After the five whittled down to four, the band decided to go on a hiatus - and have been on such for the past four years. Now details of their 10-year anniversary since their first appearance have been laid out for fans of the hitmakers.

The group will be launching a special website on July 23, which will feature heaps of known and previously unseen videos, photos, and information which fans are going to love.

Taking the form of a walk through memory lane-type feel, the website will start from their inception right up until their 2016 hiatus, including an archive of music videos, artwork, TV performances, and rare behind-the-scenes content. Not only that, but a special video celebrating their career short career, as well as reformatted EPs featuring B-sides, rare songs, remixes, live recordings and acoustic versions of their tracks will be there for all to enjoy.

Niall Horan, who has arguably had the most successful solo career since the hiatus, said that he and his former bandmates have "chatted" about reforming, but nothing has been set in stone yet. He did say it might be after five years though - which would mean 2021 could see them return. Just don't expect Zayn Malik to return back into the fold.