McFly's debut album is 20 years old this July

This month marks the 20th anniversary of McFly's iconic debut album, 'Room on the 3rd Floor'.

Whether you’re a die-hard fan or someone who only knows the hits, this quiz will test your knowledge of the lyrics that made us all fall in love with McFly.

Get ready to sing along, reminisce, and see how well you remember the words to these classic tunes.

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Let’s start with an easy one. Finish the ‘Five Colours in Her Hair’ lyrics:

“She was all I thought about / the girl I couldn’t live without / ________________”

Can you guess what comes next in ‘Obviously’?

“And obviously / she’s out of my league /_______________”

How about ‘Room on the Third Floor’?

“Room on the third floor / not what we asked for / ____________”

Finish the lyrics from ‘That Girl’…

“And my friends said she gave me more street cred /______________”

Can you get these ‘Hypnotised’ lyrics correct?

“And I tried to compromise but you kept telling all these lies / _____________”

Can you guess these ‘Saturday Night’ lyrics?

“We've got every girl in school / In the deep end of the pool / _______________”

How about these ‘Met This Girl’ lyrics?

“When she walks in the room my heart goes boom / I tried to take her home but she said / _________________”

Can you get the lyrics to ‘She Left Me’ right?

“Then I knew what she meant / and it's not what she said / ________________”

How about these ’Down by the Lake’ lyrics?

“He doesn't give his consent / so now we can't afford / the perfect wedding you want / Gotta do it abroad / In a place you adore /_________________”

And lastly, the hidden bonus track! Only true McFly fans will get this one right. Complete these ‘Get Over You’ lyrics.

“Now and then she looks in my direction / I'm hoping for a sign of her affection / But she's in denial and _______________”

You could do better! Might be time to have a listen to that album again. 

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