The as-yet-untitled album will be released early next month

Her sixth album 'Norman Fucking Rockwell' is finding a place on many people's 'Best of 2019' lists.

The album was only released in August, so few would have guessed that Lana Del Rey would be planning on putting out a follow-up so soon.

However, the pop star's next album will come out on January 4th, as she revealed in an Instagram post early this morning.

Rather than new musical material, it'll be a collection of spoken word pieces and half of its profits will benefit various Native American organisations.

“I had wanted to do it because in doing my own work on connecting to my own family lineage, I was also encouraged to connect to the country’s lineage,” she said. "This was a while ago and it kind of informed the next album I had been working on. I just really wanted to pay homage to the country that I love so much by doing my own reparation, I guess I would say, my own reparative act. So I know it’s a bit of an unusual choice, and I have no reasoning for it other than it feels right to me.”

She said that the album was "gritty' and "not particularly polished", and that it was "freestyle poetry out loud". She is also working on a book of poetry called 'Violent Bent Backwards Over the Grass', which is delayed due to the handbinding process.

Watch her message to fans announcing the album (title TBC) below: