Now you'll have to get separate apps for Music, Movies and Podcasts

Look, let's be clear - once upon a time, iTunes was great and everybody used it.

However, since the dawn of the likes of Spotify, YouTube, and Google / Apple Music, it's become increasingly irrelevant. Now, it's a case of clicking on it by accident and waiting 20 minutes for it to actually open before you can close it.

Oh, and the updates. Those endless updates.

Anyway, Bloomberg revealed yesterday that iTunes is going the way of the Zune, Napster, and any other program / app you can think of that's been discontinued. According to their report, Apple will introduce a new range of apps on Monday, with iTunes being removed after 18 years of service.

Currently, Apple already offers apps such as Music, Podcasts and Movies already which pretty much does the same thing as iTunes combined into one app. The precise reason for iTunes' retirement hasn't yet been revealed, but given how it's been around for nearly two decades, maybe that's long enough.

So, pour one out for all those playlists you made over years, but let's also remember the utterly ridiculous scene in 'Blade: Trinity' where Jessica Biel made "playlists" and listened to her iPod to get into the zone before a battle.

Ah, the '00s were a crazy time.