The first socially distant gig took place in Arkansas on Monday night

It's the question that every live music fan is wondering but no one wants to ask: how will gigs work in a pre-coronavirus vaccine world?

Well, the scene below might give you some idea.

While various countries have adapted 'drive-in gigs' in recent weeks, the first socially-distanced gig to take place in the USA has been held in Arkansas.

Country musician Travis McCready played to a small audience, all wearing facemasks, at the TempleLive venue in Fort Smith on  Monday night.

Just 200 people were permitted into the 1000-capacity venue and groups were all kept 6ft apart. Patrons also had to have their temperature checked before entering the venue.

Bathrooms, meanwhile, were restricted to 10 people at a time, and only drinks 'with lids' or items that were pre-packaged were sold at concession stands.

See images and footage from the gig below - would you happily attend a concert if those same limitations were imposed?