Axl Rose is currently feuding with a top US government official over Twitter. As you do.

In the very normal times we live, it seems completely logical that Axl Rose, lead singer of '90s hard rock icons Guns N' Roses, is in a Twitter spat with Steve Mnuchin, the US Treasury Secretary.

After all, we are living in very, very normal times. This is all exactly as it should be. There is nothing bizarre about any of this. Not in the slightest. Anyway, the feud between Axl Rose and Steve Mnuchin has now escalated to the level of T-shirt trolling.

That's right - t-shirt trolling. Guns N' Roses put a new T-shirt up for sale on their merchandise store that reads 'Live And Let Die with COVID-45'. This is in reference to another totally normal event when Donald Trump toured a factory making facemasks (without wearing one) while the factory workers blared Guns N' Roses' cover of 'Live and Let Die' at him.

Again, totally normal stuff here. Not weird at all. The merch is currently on sale now, and 100% of proceeds from the t-shirt sales go to the Recording Academy's MusicCares, which provides resources to those affected by the current pandemic in the music community.