The Dublin pop star sang 'Islands in the Stream' with Ireland's most famous turkey

Last night saw the triumphant return of 'The Den' to our TV screens, causing a major nostalgia trip for a certain generation, and introducing a swathe of Irish kids to the wonders of Zig & Zag, Dustin the Turkey and Ray D'Arcy.

The show went down a storm with the majority of viewers, not least because of their musical guest, Cmat.

The Dublin musician has picked up major buzz this year for a succession of brilliant singles, 'Another Day (KFC Song)', 'Rodney' and 'I Wanna Be a Cowboy, Baby'.

She performed a fantastic acoustic version of 'Another Day', but everyone was talking about her duet on 'Islands in the Stream' with Dustin the Turkey - which was asย bonkers yet as hilarious as you might think it was.

We're still waiting for the full version to go online - but until then, enjoy this snippet, and the Twitter reaction, below...
