Think you know your Eurovision?

It's Eurovision week, the most glorious time of the year for fans of bad pop music.

Over the next week, we have two semi-finals and the grand final itself to look forward to, and our contestant Brooke will be flying the flag for us in Turin this Thursday night.

In the spirit of the season, we've put together 20 Eurovision questions that will separate the Dustin The Turkeys from the Johnny Logan's.

With over 60 years of cheesy Eurovision goodness to delve into, you'll need your wits about to score the coveted Douze Points.

As always, no consulting Google!

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For the week that's in it, we've compiled 20 tricky questions about the Eurovision Song Contest

What was notable about the 1969 Eurovision?

The world was introduced to ABBA thanks to the Eurovision - but in what British city did they make their grand Eurovision arrival?

Ireland infamously only received 5 points at the 2007 Eurovision - what country was the only one to give Ireland points on the night?

Lordi rocked their way to victory in 2006, but for what country?

Which 80's pop star did the UK send to the Eurovision in 2013?

Niamh Kavanagh won the Eurovision for Ireland in 1993, but what was her day job?

Why couldn't Ireland compete in the 1983 Eurovision?

The mother of which famous Swede represented Sweden at the 2009 Eurovision?

Which X-Factor contestant represented Spain in the 2014 Eurovision?

Apart from Ireland, what country has won the Eurovision the most times?

San Marino drafted in an American rapper for last years contest - who was it?

In what year was Riverdance the interval act for the Eurovision?

What countries have received 0 points at Eurovision the most times?

Between 2003 and 2005, how did Ireland choose it's Eurovision contestants?

Who won the very first Eurovision back in 1956?

Who did Graham Norton replace as the BBC's commentator for the Eurovision?

In what year were semi-finals introduced to the Eurovision?

Which model was a back-up dancer for Germany at the 2009 Eurovision?

Who is the youngest-ever Eurovision winner?

You made it to the final like Chris Doran but scored poorly. Try again next year.

A decent showing, and you didn't make a holy show of yourself.

Pretty good! You put in a strong display.

Near-perfect. Damiano Davide is pleased with you.

A perfect score! Johnny Logan would be proud!