Dublin Electronic Arts Festival is looking for Irish acts, not for their superb line up which will play the festival in October, but for a new 32 track CD, designed to showcase our best home-grown  electronic music. DEAF hope to include both new and established artists on the compilation, which they are producing in association with Culture Ireland.

While Culture Ireland will use the album to promote Irish Electronic Music  abroad, DEAF will bring it to Irish and International press as well as using it in DEAF 09's marketing campaign. It will be given out free at the festival's Sugar Club press launch in September, as well as at various gigs in the festival itself.

To submit your music for consideration, post a CD to:
DEAF Music 2009
147 Parnell Street
Dublin 1

Or email a WAV of AIFF file (not MP3) to d1@d1.ie, with 'DEAF 2008 CD Music' in the subject line.

Entries longer than 4 minutes will not be accepted (edits of longer pre-existing pieces are acceptable). Only one track can be submitted per artist name, but unlimited entries are acceptable as long as each is under a different pseudonym.