'It Was A… (Masked Christmas)' is out now

"It was a masked Christmas, we stayed in the house / We covered our nose, and covered our mouth."

With Storm Barra currently battering the country, it feels like there's no better time than to get cosy in front of an open fire and sing a cheesy Christmas bop. And so, here's the new release from Ariana Grande, Megan Thee Stallion and Jimmy Fallon which is perfect for just that.

We've known for a while now that Fallon is a huge fan of the '80s, and so it should come as no surprise that the music video for this supergroup's track ''It Was A… (Masked Christmas)' leans heavily into those cheesy, cliché themes from festive music videos of that time.

From skiing in dashing jumpsuits to sipping eggnog in front of a roaring fire and playing chess with a doggy (?), the cheese levels are off the Christmas charts.

All about getting a booster shot this Christmas in order to be with the ones you love, Ariana Grande and Jimmy Fallon sing lyrics such as, "But it's Christmas time / We’ll be in line for a booster" before Megan Thee Stallion and her syringe nails enters the scene rapping, "This Christmas imma make it count / No more quarantine on the couch."

We're not sure of the longevity of this particular Christmas song, but hey, at least it's relevant for this year's festivities.

Here's the music video to go alongside the track, which is available to stream and download on various streaming services such as Spotify and Apple Music.

For more festive-related content, head over to our dedicated Christmas page (right here).