The young Dublin singer-songwriter recently released her single 'For You (Home)'

Hearing about a band or artist's influences and inspirations are all well and good, but sometimes, you just want to get to the nitty-gritty in an interview - like, 'what's your favourite takeaway dish'?

Our new Q&A series sees us throwing rapidfire questions at musicians to get their most instinctive answers. There's no beating around the bush here - just honest, straightforward insights into their creative minds.

Dublin singer-songwriter Laura Elizabeth Hughes made quite an impression with her recent single 'For You (Home)', the proceeds of which were donated to Pieta House's 'Darkness Into Light' campaign.

The young musician has been touted as 'one to watch' by various tastemakers and has already shared a stage with Dermot Kennedy, James Bay and Billie Marten.

We caught up with her recently to find out what makes her tick.

1. What’s the music that you listened to growing up, that you still listen to today?
Oh man, my taste in music has gone through so much since I was little. But serious staples have been Laura Marling, Frightened Rabbit, Manchester Orchestra, and the folk staples of Joni and Tom Waits. All of whom get daily playlisting.

2. In three words, describe the minute before you walk on stage.
Leave me alone.. Is that bad?! Haha, really though, I tend to need to zone in on myself and to a state of calm for my nerves before I head on stage!

3. How do you wind down after a gig?
That depends on the gig! If it’s a collective night, I’ll chill and watch the other acts with some friends. If it’s a solo gig or a support slot I’m usually home pretty early and chilling with a cup of tea on my own for a while!

4. What’s the one song you wish you’d written or recorded first?
Of recent times, Billie Eilish - When The Party’s Over, the whole thing.. Writing and production.. I’m gonna cheat and throw Poke by Frightened Rabbit in there too.

5. You can only have three albums on your phone/in your house at any one time - what three would you pick for today?
For today.. I’m writing these answers on a Monday, procrastinating college work, so for that vibe RY X - 'Unfurl', Barrie - 'Happy To Be Here', and Matt Corby’s 'Rainbow Valley'.

6. Name one record, one book and one film that everyone should hear / read / see.
The best breakup album: 'Midnight Organ Fight' - Frightened Rabbit
Book: 'Never Let Me Go' - Kazuo Ishiguro
Film: 'Pan’s Labyrinth'

7. Pick the director and lead actor(s) for a biopic about your life.
Taika Waititi to direct and bring out the quirks and humour that most people don’t get to see in me, and I’d be played by...either Anne Hathaway or Katherine Langford!

8. You’re ordering take-away, what do you get?
Singapore noodles… the craving is real right now.

9. Describe your perfect day off.
It would be spent down at my mobile home by the sea.. Getting up with nothing to do and nowhere to be, floating between the beach, my book, and my sketch journal and just doodling writings and drawings.. This perfect day off also has the sun.

10. Tell us, in one sentence, why we should come to your next gig.
Because I promise it’ll be lovely and we’ll all need some music and human connection when this pandemic is over!

BONUS QUESTION: Recommend a podcast and tell us why we should subscribe to it.
I’ve been listening to David McWilliams' podcast (out every Tuesday) for the last while. Explaining the human side of what’s gonna happen to the economy during and after this whole weird crisis in the most conversational, accessible way… I highly recommend it!
