The Dublin musician recently released her new single 'XX'

The music industry may have lost momentum in recent months, but one Irish artist is going full-steam ahead with her plans for world domination.

Fia Moon has already impressed with her recent single 'better days', which attracted quite a bit of attention from various media outlets in Ireland and the UK when it was released in April.

Now she's back with 'XX', a song that 'flips heartache on its head' and is the second of a six-single mixtape she has planned for 2020.

1. What’s the music that you listened to growing up, that you still listen to today?
My parents are both very musical so there was never really a quiet moment around the house! Mainly it was the likes of Nina Simone, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday or Bill Withers on. I've been playing 'Lovely Day' by Bill Withers a lot recently and I don't think it'll ever get old.

2. In three words, describe the minute before you walk on stage.
Remember to breathe...

3. How do you wind down after a gig?
I can get really nervous, so a cup of chamomile tea is always nice - or a whiskey, haha! To be honest, it's really hard. No matter what the gig, I'm always so full of adrenaline so it takes me ages to wind down. But the usual would be to get home into some comfy clothes, eat, chocolate, bath and probably listen to some chilled music to unwind.

4. What’s the one song you wish you’d written or recorded first?
'I Miss You' - Beyoncé.

5. You can only have three albums on your phone/in your house at any one time - what three would you pick for today?
'Back To Black' - Amy Winehouse
'Saturn' - Nao
'Manic' - Halsey

6. Name one record, one book and one film that everyone should hear / read / see.
Record: 'To Let A Good Thing Die' Bruno Major. I can't believe I've only recently discovered his work but this album is really incredible. 'I'll Sleep When I'm Older' is one of my favourite tracks I've heard in a while.

Book: Jump by Daniella Moyles. My dad heard her doing an interview on the radio and ordered the book for me as a surprise. I had actually been quite bad at finishing books in lockdown but I couldn't put this one down - it's so well written and relatable.

Film: Some Like It Hot.

7. Pick the director and lead actor(s) for a biopic about your life.
James Cameron; Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher as the love interest... they're such goals. A girl can dream!

8. You’re ordering take-away, what do you get?
Literally anything! Chipper, Indian, Thai, I'm a massive foodie.

9. Describe your perfect day off.
It would be great to have a lie in after a good night's sleep, walk by the sea, music, dinner with friends, watch a movie. Anything that's chilled and involves comfy clothes! Oh and chilling with my cat!

10. Tell us, in one sentence, why we should come to your next gig.
I think we should all go to as many gigs as possible once we can. Artists really need our support more than ever once we get through this pandemic. I guess if you come to my gig I can promise good vibes and I probably won’t be able to stop smiling because I’ll be so happy to be back up on stage!

BONUS QUESTION: Recommend a podcast and tell us why we should subscribe to it.
Caggie Dunlop's Saturn Returns - I only literally just discovered it the other day. I've gotten quite into astrology since lockdown but I've found the topics she touches on really honest and relatable.


'XX' is out now.