** Preview ** Blunt plays an unmanned abrasive engineering student who, stuck for a lift home to Delaware during the Christmas break, accepts a ride from an unnamed nerdy classmate (Holmes). The ride isn't the most pleasant as Holmes becomes increasingly irritated when Blunt chooses to ignore him and instead chats incessantly on her mobile. When Holmes crashes the car, the two are forced to work together to make it through the night. However, as they come up against some bizarre incidents, they learn that these same events occur every year on this date (December 23rd). What does it all mean? Will you care? Probably not since the story is very pedestrian, which is a shame because Jacobs delivered the interesting Criminal a few years back. Jacobs concentrates on mood rather than out-and-out scares, which is commendable, but the story - really an extended Twilight Zone episode - isn't there to get the juices flowing.