First shown as part of the Dublin Film Festival, Wild About Harry eventually gets a wide release. Penned by Colin Bateman - he of Divorcing Jack fame - the story follows the title character, Harry McKee. A celebrity chef, McKee is a pretty nasty piece of work, who has a penchant for boozing and ladies. One night he's attacked by several men, and is so badly beaten that that he loses his memory when he re-emerges. But although Harry's prepared to start all over again, others in his life - like his long-suffering missus (Amanda Donahue) aren't quite so forgiving. Coming across as a modest version of the Harrison Ford vehicle Regarding Henry with a bit of Big thrown in for good measure, Wild About Harry is a pleasant, if unoriginal and implausible diversion. Bateman might be a fine writer, but his screenplay sags irrevocably in the final third. On the plus side, Gleeson and Donahue enjoy a nice chemistry and there are some extremely funny gags.