A shallow but often rather funny riff on the Blaxploitation flicks of the 1970s, Undercover Brother stars Eddie Griffin as the title character, an international secret agent (albeit one sporting a gravity-defying afro) for African American organisation, the B.R.O.T.H.E.R.H.O.O.D. This group believes that the white power elite take every opportunity to suppress the "brothers". When it becomes clear that "The Man" (Trumbull) is intent on sabotaging the presidential campaign of a leading black candidate, Undercover Brother is despatched to stop his nefarious plans.

Based on an Internet cartoon series and directed by Malcolm D. Lee (who is a cousin of Spike), Undercover Brother is pitched somewhere between an African American Austin Powers and a light-hearted Shaft. Unlike some other recent pastiches (exhibit A, m'lurd, Scary Movie), Undercover Brother exercises some quality control when it comes to the humour, with some exquisite gags. The breathless nature of the film means that it can be a little patchy and unoriginal in places - a couple of the characters wear out their welcome with their one trick routines - but thanks to the winning performance from Eddie Griffin and the energetic direction of Lee (intent on poking fun at both black and white culture), Undercover Brother is a welcome diversion.