Justin Cobb (Pucci) struggles with teenage life; his stand-offish father can't relate to him, he suspects his mother is having an affair with a drug addicted actor, he has just been dumped by his new girlfriend and lacks the confidence to argue in his high school debate team. How does he deal with all this? By sucking his thumb, which frustrates his hippy dentist (Keanu Reeves) because it plays havoc with his teeth. When Justin is put on medication for ADD he becomes outgoing, confident and focused (he finally finishes Moby Dick) but one of the side effects is his transformation into an asshole. Thumbsucker is a feel good movie with a dark heart and director Mike Mills, hinting at what is to come in the opening credits (an unusually depressing song from the clap-happy Polyphonic Spree), takes a back seat to the characters as he never once intrudes on the story's toes with the wasn't-that-a-cool-shot direction and the movie is a delight as a result as Mills invites the audience to share in this interesting character. Pucci is the stand out in an excellent cast as his 'help-me' eyes remind one of a red jacket-wearing rebel.