Gabriel Noone (Williams) is a radio host in the midst of a crumbling relationship and a stagnant career. When an autobiography supposedly written by 14-year-old Pete Logand (Culkin) - who is dying from syphilis and AIDS after his parents repeatedly sexually abused him for an internet paedophile ring - lands on his desk, Noone becomes fascinated and begins a relationship with the boy via telephone. Soon, they become friends but Gabriel's repeated attempts to visit are always vetoed by Pete's guardian Donna (Collette).Is Pete for real or is he just a writer's publicity stunt? Those of you that like everything wrapped up in a red bow should give The Night Listener a miss as some may feel like it's all build up with little pay-off, ending far too early and leaving everything in mid-air. They may have a point and although that side of the film is initially infuriating, it turns into originality when we are left to ponder and to come up with our own amateurish gumshoe theories. Robin Williams - sporting a beard so you know it's a serious role he's playing - delivers another subtle performance without tipping over into melodrama as he's akin to do, while Collette flummoxes us again as to why she doesn't get bigger roles. Director Stettner keeps the guessing games coming as he constantly raises plot points before disregarding them and moving onto the next one. This moody piece may just keep you enthralled despite its slow pacing