As the title indicates, The Girl From Paris follows Sandrine (Seigner), a career driven woman, who realises that her high paying city job isn't giving her satisfaction and decides to pack it all in. Leaving Paris behind, Sandrine ventures into the countryside where she decides to buy a goat farm from the elderly but embittered widower Adrien (Serrault). And although the old man sells her the holding, he doesn't believe that Sandrine has it in her to run a farm.

On the surface, the subject matter may not appear to be the most appealing premise for a film, but The Girl From Paris exudes a genuine warmth and tenderness throughout its efficient running time. Essentially a character study, the relationship between the old man and the gutsy young woman is beautifully controlled and etched, with the two actors - Seigner and Serrault - doing marvellous work. The writer director Carion seems comfortable examining this generational gap relationship and his steady confidence in making what should be predictable movie, a touching one is a good indicator of his talent.