I'm sure that I've seen worse films than Super Troopers, but after wracking my brain (not a massive job in itself), I can't honestly think of a single movie which could be classified as lesser excursion in terms of humour, craft, and intelligence. Written by the 'comedy troupe', Broken Lizard (their words, not mine) and directed by one of their number, Jay Chandrasekhar, Super Troopers is an alleged comedy following five fun lovin' state troopers who like to spend their days playing practical jokes on motorists. Constantly bickering with the local police force, the troopers find their positions in danger when the governor threatens to cut back on state funding. In a bid to re-enforce their tenuous positions, the troopers determine to bust open a local drugs ring, despite their apparent inability to do anything which doesn't feature disaster as a natural conclusion.

Smart assed and self satisfied; Super Troopers is a truly awful film, and one that has practically no redeeming features whatsoever. The plot is non existent, the jokes redefine the word 'pedestrian' and the acting is unsettlingly bad. Quite simply, there is no reason for the existence of this picture. Come back Van Wilder: Party Liaison, all is forgiven.