There's been a bunch of these type of films released over the past few years, and some have even been successful enough to warrant a sequel. Here is such a case; Street Dance capitalised on the craze that had originated with the likes of Step Up and Save the last Dance and dumbed it down to almost unfathomable lows - it was already pretty low y'see. Still, this sequel has some of the most impressive dance moves seen so far in any of these flicks, but is no less cheesy or awkward than its cell mates.

Going global this time out, another ramshackle concoction of street dancers assemble to take on an elite group in a competition where the best of the best will do battle by bodypopping and whatnot. This time an American baring more than a passing resemblance to Will Young (if he was addicted to protein shakes) is the Alpha, and the setting is Paris - which strangely offers the backdrop for a series of Latino inspired dry-humping and twirling scenes.

For anyone who doesn’t have a keen interest in dance, this film will be an absolute slog. It's aimed squarely towards the same folk who tune into the reality TV shows based around dancing, and the strange synchronised contortions these talented artists (?) put themselves into. Whereas with a movie like Warrior, you don’t need to be a mixed martial arts (or even action) fan to enjoy - on account of the believable story and characters - the ineptness in terms of script and actual acting here makes that nigh on impossible.

What am I trying to say? Street Dance 2 does exactly what it promised it would and will please fans of this bastard subgenre - but that doesn't make it a good, or even watchable film.