Music and Lyrics is really a throwaway three-minute pop song: a straightforward production that never threatens to break out of its predetermined formulaic plot line and, like contemporary pop, there's nothing behind it. Former '80s pop sensation Alex Fletcher (Grant) has been out of the limelight for some time and is now reduced to making guest appearances at high school reunions. Asked to pen a song for diva Cora (Bennett), Alex sees his way back into the business, but there's a problem - he can't write lyrics. When he learns that his plant lady Sophie (Barrymore) has a quirky turn of phrase, he persuades her to help and the two work night and day to get the song down in time. Music and Lyrics is a fine date movie without being good, and one feels there was a mountain of jokes begging to be excavated if writer/director Lawrence was so inclined. He wasn't, however, and the movie is content to glide along without really trying too hard. He does pop up with the odd line: "Anyone see Battle Of the '80s bands last night? That Debbie Gibson can take a punch," and "My tight pants lets all the blood flow to my heart" but they are few and far between. There is the occasional visual gag too, but the best is when Grant, wearing his 'fan-friendly pants', suffers a groin strain gyrating on stage and is forced to sit down and wave at his fans from the wings. Lawrence prefers instead to concentrate on the love story, which never convinces, as Barrymore and Grant just go through the emotions. Music and Lyrics is light, breezy, doesn't outstay its welcome and you'll be humming 'I Never Thought I'd Love Again But Then Pop! Goes My Heart' all the way home. Whether that's a good or bad thing is still debateable, though.