Visually stunning and opulent modern day paean to the classic musicals, courtesy of Romeo and Juliet's Baz Luhrman. Set in turn of the century Paris, McGregor plays youthful bohemian poet, Christian, who falls deeply in love with Kidman's part time courtesan, Satine. She mistakes him for a wealthy duke and sets about trying to further her career, but soon succumbs to his earthy charms. Problems arise when the real duke (Richard Roxburgh) arrives and expects to be suitably 'reimbursed' by Satine if he is to invest in her play of employment, the Moulin Roug, and finance Christian's play, Spectacular, Spectacular.

Deliriously OTT, Moulin Rouge is a frantic and energetic piece of work that astonishes for its sheer audacity and the scale of the director's ambitious vision. When the various strands that Luhrman has assembled work in unison, the film is an infectious delight, unparalleled in recent memory for its sense of adventure. Although the director loses his way somewhat by failing to allow emotion to dictate style, this is still extremely enjoyable stuff.