Somewhere between a documentary and a concert film, what Part of Me excels at is putting Katy Perry across as somewhat of a rebel - all be it one with a heart.

Perry had a strange upbringing, and her folks don't appear to be the most understanding on earth, so the fact that she went off a shacked up with a former junkie and sex addict shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. Some of it feels contrived, but for the most part she's pretty damn cool.

Listen, some people don't like Perry; her public persona is not that of a sit-on-the-fence artist or person, but she does genuinely seem to be genuinely quirky and embraces her "weirdness" with gusto. Given said background - which isn’t exactly explored in detail, but you get the point - it all becomes a little clearer. Perry for one seems a lot more willing to explore her former relationship with Brand (who makes a brief appetence) and that is one of the reasons the singer comes across so well here. She really does seem to wear her heart on her sleeve, while Brand has been a bit more combative when his marriage was raised in interviews.

While other concert films tended to merely throw in behind the scenes stuff as buffer between the performances, Perry's flick actually has a lot more depth. Granted, we're hardly looking at Louis Theroux style plunging through the semantics of the mind here, but her personality shines through, and she's damn likeable.

If you are not a fan of her music, then needless to say Part of me is best avoided. But as someone who didn't really have an opinion beforehand I came out liking her a lot more.