The first Ice Age flick was one of the most entertaining entries in the CGI animated, Pixar inspired series of films that followed Toy Story. It didn’t have a lead character as recognisable as Shrek, but what it did have was a sweet core message and a satisfying focus on slapstick - thanks to the inspired Scrat. Used sparingly until now, he remains the most entertaining thing in a franchise now struggling for any semblance of originality.
The ever-twitchy Scrat inadvertently causes a seismic shift of truly epic proportions while attempting to chow down on his favourite meal of an acorn. Managing to split the former super continent off into smaller, well, continents, it see’s unlikely best pals Manny, Sid and Diego stranded on a block of ice - away from Manny’s missus and now teen daughter. Thrown in for good measure are the usual concoction of new characters the filmmakers will hope will justify audiences not turning on a DVD of one of the first three at home instead.
With each entry in the Ice Age series the animation has improved and the action evolved - technically at least - to a more dynamic place. This is more than enough to distract the offspring for an hour and a half alone. Throw in the entertaining Scrat, and the vertically channelled youngster in your life will have a great time.
Sid has his moments and Scrat is still hilarious; but a large injection of new characters voiced by a painfully “hip” supporting cast do not make this fourth installment in the Ice Age series feel fresh.