Best known for her figure hugging costumes on the television show, Dark Angel, Jessica Alba plays the titular character, a tough sassy chick from the Bronx. A talented dancer, she wants to extend herself into the worlds of choreography and ultimately, music videos. Of course, there are disapproving glances raining in from all around Honey - not least her mother who thinks there's no future in all that hip-hop nonsense - but our gal is prepared to negotiate whatever obstacles that lie in her way, without her betraying her roots.

Hang on, we've been here before, haven't we? Coming across like an update of Flashdance with a cursory nod thrown towards the likes of 8 Mile and Fame, Honey is a relentlessly upbeat coming of age affair. Not missing a trick, the film is built around the morals of never forgetting your roots and paying your dues, while the hip-hop soundtrack is used to paper over the cracks in the narrative. Mistaking incident for depth and drama, the film doesn't have much of an emotional edge to it. Yet so keen are the performances of the enthusiastic young cast - along with copious shots of Jessica Alba's midriff - means that you're nearly prepared to overlook Honey's numerous faults. Almost, but not quite.