"Am I sorry I left school? Am I f#*k?!" Anyone affiliated with the TV show, will know the score; but for those in the dark, let me fill you in. There are these four Welsh nutters who pride themselves on inflicting the most gruesome acts of violence on each other for fun. Trying to outdo each other in the shocking stakes, the boys attempt to reach an all-time low for humanity (if Tyler Durden were alive, would he like this?) and are oblivious to the underlying homoeroticism. Sent to hell during the opening credits, the four boys are given a chance by the devil (Motorhead's Lemmy) to redeem themselves if they can complete stunts based on the seven deadly sins: Sloth, Anger, Lust, Envy, Pride, Gluttony and Greed. What follows is moral outrage - Liposuction without an anaesthetic, eating scorpions, ladyboy lap dances, chopping off fingers (that's right), going head-to-head with the Tokyo Shop Boys - the Japanese version of Dirty Sanchez - and managing to freak them out, and much much more. Too much as it turns out - at almost two hours, the boys run out of steam pretty quickly and all the laughs are sandwiched into the first 45 minutes. So where do they go from here? No idea, but let's just be thankful that the felching of a live rabbit didn't pass the censor's watchful eye, eh?