Ridiculous but oddly enjoyable, Cellular is a film with a premise as unlikely as it is well executed. In a rare leading role, Kim Basinger plays Jessica Martin, an apparently ordinary mother who is snatched by kidnappers (led by a snarling Jason Statham in uber tough guy mode). Taken to a remote hideout in the Hollywood hills by her captors, she is thrown into a holding room. An oversight by the criminals allows her to make a call, which goes to the cell phone of Ryan (Chris Evans), a surfer dude. Having promised her that he'll stay on the phone until the cops arrive, an initially dubious Ryan is soon thrown into a bizarre game of cat and mouse, which unravels into a conspiracy of Oliver Stone-esque proportions.

For a film based on such unsteady and improbable foundations, Cellular maintains an admirable fluidity and energy while executing its implausible premise. An unashamed B-movie in both tone and delivery, the makers of Cellular seem to be under the impression that if they slow things down, control will be forsaken. For the most part, it's a ploy that works, with the picture breathlessly racing from one absurd but well spun situation to the next. A guilty pleasure if ever there was one...