Your name is Cuba Gooding Jr. In 1996 you deservedly won an Oscar for your performance as Tom Cruise's brash sidekick in Jerry Maguire. Big things were predicted for you. Some ventured you might even pick another Oscar in the next couple of years, if you played your cards right. Unfortunately, things haven't gone quite as well as you might have hoped. Instead of wrestling with the likes of Denzel Washington, Russell Crowe and Cruise for the big scripts, you're making films with people like Skeet Ulrich and Rowan Atkinson. But as bad as things got, you were always secure in the knowledge that you'd never make a film as bad as 'Rat Race' again. Wrong. In fact, in less than a year, you've made two films worse than Rat Race, Snow Dogs and the crime against humanity which is Boat Trip. Mercifully described as a comedy, Boat Trip originates from the gross out school and follows Jerry (Gooding Jr) and his mate Nick (Sanz) as they go on a cruise for singles. Unfortunately, and here's the gag that the entire movie is based upon, the boat trip is a gay cruise (ho-hum). And that's about the extent of the humour in this homophobic, grossly unfunny, ugly little film. Give it up, Cuba. Stop punishing yourself and us.
The Monkey