Like Jack Black, Will Ferrell is one of those actors who is at his best when he is making an almighty show of himself. Few have the nerve or disposition to routinely shed all vestiges of their dignity to the same effect as Ferrell, who apparently delights in lowering himself further with each movie. This eagerness to embarrass reaches new depths in Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy. Ferrell, of course, plays our title character, the anchorman at KVWN in San Diego. Redefining the concept of sleaze, he sports an awesome moustache and hairdo combo, which endears him to his viewers almost as much as his ridiculous catchphrases - 'Stay classy'. As he's 'the man' in KVWN news department, Burgundy reacts with horror when ambitious female reporter Veronica Corningstone (Christina Applegate) is thrown onto his team. Needless to say, the anchorman and the rest of his boys club don't really like this development and do everything they can to ensure that Veronica can't handle the job or the newsroom. Not a comedy ever likely to be described as subtle, Anchorman is a 90 minute freefall through idiotic lunacy with man-child Ferrell the master of ceremonies. No joke is too lowbrow or too silly for Ferrell and first-time director Adam McKay, who shares co-writing credits. Somewhat inevitably, the scattergun nature Anchorman means that it is a hit and miss affair, but Ferrell is such game sport and the script so unashamedly foolish that this is difficult to resist. You might hate yourself in the morning, but you'll get more than a guffaw out of Anchorman.