You have to hand it to Delpy. After her charming and funny 2007 romantic comedy 2 Days In Paris, which buzzed off Adam Goldberg's sub-Woody Allen paranoid neurosis, the French writer-director was determined not to just drum up the same plot in a different city for the sequel. That's commendable. Really. In this day and age when firing out the same old crap for a money-grabbing sequel Delpy decides to go a completely different route. That deserves a round of applause. However, fifteen minutes into this seen-this-before-a-million-times tired comedy maybe the same old crap might have been the way to go. Oops, I just threw up a bit in my mouth there.

It's five years on from the antics in Paris and Marion (Delpy) has left Jack (an absent Goldberg) despite them having a kid together and has shacked up with radio DJ Mingus (Rock), a single father recovering from a divorce (his second). Marion's father Jeannot (Delpy), sister Rose (Landau, who also co-wrote the script) and Marion's ex/Rose's current boyfriend Manu (Alexendre Nahon) show up for two days and nestle into their tiny Manhattan apartment. It's going to be the longest two days in Mingus' life, though, as the free-wheeling French don't have a lot of English and are determined to do things their way...

If 2 Days In Paris was Woody Allen then 2 Days In New York is Adam Sandler. And a bad Adam Sandler at that - if you've seen any of the former funny man's movies in the last ten years you know how bad that can be. What we have on our hands is your typical culture clash comedy:

There's an awkward moment between Chris Rock and Albert Delpy in a steam room.

There's an awkward moment between Albert Delpy and a masseuse.

There's an awkward moment when Alexendre Nahon presumes Rock has marijuana on him because he's black.

There's an awkward moment when Nahon thinks Rock's Asian friend is Kumar from Harold & Kumar.

There's an awkward moment when something is lost in translation.

There's an awkward moment when the sexually free French guests have loud sex.

And so on. There are no prizes for guessing more awkward moments as it's too far too easy. But hold on - maybe you're a Chris Rock fan and are hoping that at last, given that this is an Indie movie and not inhibited by Hollywood's Appeal All catchment, he's allowed off the leash and gives the role the full gun like he does his stand up? No, there's none of that either - it's a very PG Rock we have here. Again. 2 Days In New York is a completely different in style and tone from its predecessor. Perhaps Delpy thought that it would be a bit much if she was visiting New York and ran into a multitude of Rock's exes would be too samey but at least it would have thrown up more than the rambling nonsense this is. There's a very 'TV' look to the visuals too.

Oh, and there's an awkward moment fifteen minutes in when you realise where this comedy is going. Luckily Delpy isn't around to see your face slump with disappointment.