The 'X-Men' franchise closes out with the lowest opening weekend in its twenty-year run.

Shocking nobody who's actually seen 'X-Men: Dark Phoenix', the movie has bombed at the box office and closes out the franchise with an ignominious record.

'X-Men: Dark Phoenix' now has the lowest US opening weekend of the entire franchise at $33 million, for a combined global box office of just under $140 million - putting it on par, globally at least, with 'The Wolverine' and its opening weekend.

Previously, James Mangold's 'The Wolverine' had the lowest US opening weekend of the franchise, but wasn't considered to have bombed like this. Why? For one, it had much better reviews and was also rated R, which affected its potential earnings.

'X-Men: Dark Phoenix', on the other hand, didn't have that problem at all. It also had Sophie Turner, hot on the heels of one of the most successful TV series of the decade, and a strong supporting cast to boot.

Of course, all of this wasn't enough to save it from woeful reviews. We gave it 1.5 out of 5, and it currently has a Rotten Tomatoes of around 20%, the lowest of the franchise as well. Add all this up, and it's no wonder that Disney are leaving 'X-Men' on the shelf for the next few years whilst they figure out how to reboot it for a new generation.