The original Captain Kirk, it seems, doesn't have a problem with it.

With the revelation that Quentin Tarantino is well and truly set on making an R-rated 'Star Trek' movie after 'Once Upon A Time In Hollywood', reaction has been fairly mixed.

Some people (ourselves included) believe that it's going against what 'Star Trek' was originally supposed to be about, namely humanity evolving past our current state. Others, meanwhile, think that it's not that much of an issue and probably makes sense.

William Shatner seems to be in that camp, as a recent tweet by the original Captain Kirk seems to suggest.

It's true, 'Star Trek: Discovery' did have some expletives and, yes, nobody melted down over that as Shatner says. The issue is that while the odd curse here and there might not be the end of the world, it's a big difference between that and what one would describe as a typical Tarantino script / movie.

It's really hard to know if all of this is just idle talk at the moment. For one thing, both Chris Pine and Chris Hemsworth have walked away from the role over contract negotiations, and the likelihood is that the only person who could get them back on board is Quentin Tarantino as director.

Not only that, there's also the fact that Quentin Tarantino has said - repeatedly, mind - that he intends to retire after his 10th movie, so is his 'Star Trek' really going to be it? Not likely at all, but who knows - stranger things have happened, and one of them is Quentin Tarantino making an R-rated 'Star Trek'.